

Welcome to Here is where I share my thoughts on 2nd Amendment issues and the other enthusiasms that fill my days.

Joe Versus The Volcano

Joe Versus The Volcano

Lockdowns. Masks. More lockdowns. More masks. It’s the modern equivalent of throwing virgins into the volcano to appease the rain god. Or doing a rain dance. Absent a vaccine, the only medicine our “leaders” can come up with to fight COVID-19 is the witch doctor prescription of doing the same thing we’ve been doing…only harder.

Well, if it saves one life…

Well, if it saves one life…

Because as we all know, correlation absolutely proves causation (that’s sarcasm…it doesn’t), and if you do a rain dance long enough, and it does eventually rain…it must have been because of the rain dance. If it doesn’t rain, you just gotta keep dancing. Once it starts raining, that’s how you know it worked. Well, we’ve been dancing our asses off for months now, and there ain’t a rain cloud in sight.



Sorry I don’t have any deeper insight, but at least I can admit it. I can also look at the real world results of the real world actions our “leaders” have taken, and I can see with my own two eyes that they have not worked to stop the virus. I can also see quite clearly the impact those actions have brought: huge economic losses to businesses and the individuals and families which depend on them, increased mental health issues, and the foreseeable consequences of delayed and deferred preventative health care. All of that on top of the loss of the very thing which makes human beings social animals…socializing.

So here we are with nothing to show but a lot of dead virgins. Could it be that the witch doctors don’t know what they’re doing?

Trust me…it’s going to work!

Trust me…it’s going to work!

But by all means, lets keep doing it. Over and over…harder and harder, until the virus subsides to the point that the witch doctors (who blame us for not sacrificing enough) can take credit for saving us.

“Just shut up and hop in the volcano, peasant. It’s for your own good.” - your prospective President/Witch Doctor

“Just shut up and hop in the volcano, peasant. It’s for your own good.” - your prospective President/Witch Doctor



Blood Calculus

Blood Calculus