Since our election results are now in the hands of platoons of lawyers (and isn’t that just where you want it to be?) let’s drag out a lawyer word and stipulate for the sake of discussion that the thousands and thousands of ballots which are being “found” since election day are all just one big oopsie. Let’s assume that none of the votes being revealed are the result of any sort of malicious intent, that there is no sort of mischief at work. Just a whole bunch of honest mistakes…all at the same time.
Remember that no matter what happens, the lawyers always get paid.
If…IF…the above assumption is true, then what we have is an unacceptably sloppy election system. If there is so much inaccuracy that we can honestly lose track of this many votes…if we can miscount election results to this degree…if this much can simply fall through the cracks, then those cracks have grown to an unacceptable size.
Because if our system can allow mistakes of this magnitude to occur honestly, then there is without a doubt more than enough room for cheating. If everything we are seeing is just the result of inept election officials and poorly designed and executed processes, then it stands to reason that cheaters would have little difficulty slipping past those officials and through those processes. If the cracks in the system are so big that “mistakes” like these can slip through unintentionally, then just imagine what could be slipped through those cracks intentionally. It defies logic to assume that that there is no cheating.
Any method used to collect votes must be absolutely verifiable, along with the system for counting those votes. Voters must be identifiable, and votes which cannot be verified as cast by a legitimate voter should be discarded, period. The cracks have grown too big, and need to be sealed.
There we go. All it took was a little in-person voting with ID.
(Postscript - If at this point you have concluded that I believe there was no cheating in this election, please go back and read everything again.)