Don't Ask Me No Questions
Representative Thomas Massie appears to be utilizing the grammatically incorrect but applicable “Lynyrd Skynyrd Strategy” when it comes to my inquiries as to his position on HR 38, the national concealed carry reciprocity bill currently in front of Congress. Don’t ask him no questions, and he’ll tell you no lies. As it turns out, he just won’t answer your questions at all.
A more complete history may be found in my previous article on the subject, but I’ll offer this summary to catch you up:
Congressman Massie has simply not been honest in disclosing his true position on the issue of concealed carry reciprocity between all 50 states. I have followed his manueverings on the issue since 2017, and more recently contacted his office and individual staff members repeatedly in an attempt to get answers from them or a meeting with Massie himself, to no avail. Emails have been largely ignored and my queries put off…until today.
Today, after waiting a month for an answer to a meeting request, I emailed Rep. Massie’s northern Kentucky office manager with a follow-up. This is the answer I received:
This is the same Communications Director (John Kennedy) who refused to respond to my previous email inquiry as to the Congressman’s position on the legislation in question:
I emailed Mr. Kennedy twice with no response. When I called Massie’s office to inquire yet again, I was asked to email his Legislative Director, Seana Cranston. I dutifully emailed Ms. Cranston my questions, and again received no response. Which brings us to today, and the rejection of my second request to meet with my congressional representative about legislation of concern to me.
It is problematic enough when an elected official refuses to answer honest questions from the media. It is even more so when that same elected official refuses to respond to a constituent (me). I would be glad to debate the man on his position, but that is impossible when he will not reveal his position honestly and clearly. And this begs the even greater question: If Representative Massie has honest, considered objections to HR 38 and the national concealed carry reciprocity it would provide, why would he avoid speaking them? If he truly believes that he is representing the wishes of his constituents, why would he fear stating his objections to the bill? (Remember, in 2017 he claimed it was a “good, pro-2A bill” with the exception of certain language which was amended to it…language which is not included in the current version.)
Don’t expect an honest answer on HR 38 from this man. Don’t expect an answer at all.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images
Why does he fear my questions? Could it be that they might force him to decide whether to continue to lie, or to tell the truth and perhaps face an electorate which does not agree with him on this issue? I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time respecting a man who will hide behind half-truths and lies of omission rather than simply defending his position honestly. I’m going to have an even harder time voting for a man who has so little respect for his constituents.