“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” - probably not Albert Einstein
Tell me, is this “sensible gun control” in the room with us right now?
It seems like every other day, after some shooting somewhere, we hear the same old refrain: “What we need are sensible gun laws!” But it’s not like we don’t have any gun laws in this country. In fact, when you add up all the federal, state, and local gun laws on the books, the sum comes to around 20,000. We’ve got plenty of gun laws.
But the gun ban lobby insists it still isn’t enough. They say that we need to keep doing the same thing we’ve been doing since 1934.
But if we still need “sensible gun laws,” it begs the question: Are the 20,000 we already have not sensible? (Because if any of those are not sensible gun laws, then by all means let’s repeal them.) More importantly, it raises the question: If the 20,000 “sensible” gun laws already on the books aren’t achieving the desired effect, why would we keep doing more of the same thing? Doesn’t sound very sensible to me. It sounds like the very definition of insanity.
“We need more gun laws! We need more gun laws! We need more gun laws!”
After nearly 100 years of imposing more and more gun laws…and violent crime going up and up…I’d say that we have a pretty good idea what doesn’t work. Maybe it’s time to leave peaceable gun owners alone and try something else.