Preaching To The Choir
I suppose an alternate title could be, “why do I do this?” Believe me, I have asked myself that question many times since beginning as a 2A blogger in 2012.
I’ll be the first to admit that it can be terribly frustrating, especially when you’re countering the same anti-gun arguments over…and over…and over again. It also doesn’t take long to realize that to counter those repetitive anti-gun lies, you end up basically writing the same thing over…and over…and over again. It is even more difficult for me when I consider that my relatively small readership is most likely people who already agree with me. As such, I’m probably not reaching anyone with an opposing view who might be affected by my reasoned, clever, and entertaining essays. Just preaching to the choir.
It’s not a glitch in The Matrix. It’s more like SSDD…
So why bother?
Firstly, it is my hope that even if all of my readers are fellow pro-rights true believers, that I might be able to give them something useful in their own advocacy. If I can offer some perspective, insight, or strategy that you might not have considered, then I am doing something useful. If I can give you a new approach or talking point to take into your next conversation on the 2nd Amendment, then I am providing some value.
I like that.
I also hope to serve as a counter to the crush of mass and social media pressure on pro-gun people. It is a known tactic of the opposition to attempt to “other” us, and to isolate us from each other. They will tell you there is something wrong with you if you are pro-2A, and that if you value your your right to keep and bear arms you do not belong in polite, civilized company. Everyone (but you) thinks that more gun control is reasonable…so you must be unreasonable. That’s a very lonely place to be.
“You like guns?! What’s wrong with you?!” Image: UPI
But you are not alone. There is nothing wrong with you for believing in liberty, and there are many more just like you. So do not lose heart, and do not give up the faith. Come for a refresh when you need it, and I’ll be right here.
The choir needs love, too.
You are not alone. Sing out!