

Welcome to Here is where I share my thoughts on 2nd Amendment issues and the other enthusiasms that fill my days.

Riding The Tiger

Riding The Tiger

Well…here we are, closing in on a year of a worldwide viral pandemic. Many of us are also months into all sorts of government-imposed restrictions and mandates intended at first to “flatten the curve” and avoid overwhelming hospitals, now justified as a means to “stop the spread.” Too bad it doesn’t seem to be working, placing several governors into the unenviable position of riding a tiger which they cannot dismount.

“I’m in charge here! Now how do I stop being in charge?”

“I’m in charge here! Now how do I stop being in charge?”

Governors such as Newsom in California, Cuomo in New York, and Beshear here in Kentucky (to name a few) have…by using unilateral executive power to close down commerce in their states in a vain effort at virus control…assumed sole ownership of the outcomes in those states. As I was taught early on in my military training, the commander is responsible for everything the unit does or fails to do.

So now these would-be commanders face a serious problem. Do you forge ahead with measures which have failed to stop the virus, but have succeeded in crushing businesses, destroying livelihoods, stifling education, and seeding physical and mental health issues? Or do you tap out? Do you call a halt and allow schools and businesses to open, and lives to resume?

Time to tap out?

Time to tap out?

I think you know the answer. Although an honest leader may indeed back off of a failed course of action and take the consequences, we’re not dealing with honest leaders here. These are politicians. Even if they know in their hearts that they cannot succeed, they also know that they cannot back off without having to admit that they didn’t know what they were doing in the beginning, they don’t know what to do now, and they brought ruination to their states for nothing. They cannot withdraw now. To share another phrase from the military, they are “decisively engaged.”

Half a league onward…

Half a league onward…

Don't get me wrong, I don't feel sorry for them. They saddled up that kitty and grabbed the reins all on their own. But now that they have, they find themselves in quite a predicament. Once you understand that much, you can at least understand why they continue to double down on failed policies. They are riding the tiger now, and it is quite dangerous to attempt a dismount.

Mmmm…Democrat governor

Mmmm…Democrat governor



