

Welcome to Here is where I share my thoughts on 2nd Amendment issues and the other enthusiasms that fill my days.

You. Are. On. Your. Own.

You. Are. On. Your. Own.

I recently debated some folks on social media about the purpose and role of government, and I feel sorry for them. I really do. Not just because they lost an argument quite badly, but also because they appeared to honestly, sincerely, and truly believe that a primary role of government is to provide for their safety, health, and well-being. I feel sorry for them, and pray that they are never faced with the harsh reality that not only is the government not responsible for your well being…they also DO NOT CARE. The one person on the planet who cares the most about you is you, and you’d better start acting like it.



We share these words often in the world of guns and self defense, but I want you to look at it from a larger and somewhat different perspective. In self defense land, we often cite court cases like Gonzalez vs Castle Rock and Warren vs DC in an attempt to help people understand that police are not on the hook for your safety. You could literally be fighting off a knife-wielding attacker with the cops standing there watching, and they will not be held liable for not saving you. As written in the Declaration of Independence…


“That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men”

That’s right. The role of government is not your physical safety, security, or health…but to secure your rights. That’s it. If the government is doing anything which does not protect or advance your individual rights, they are acting outside of their authority and outside the scope of our founding documents. Besides, what healthy, functioning adult wishes for another to take care of them? Children need to be cared for…adults do not.

You are not a baby. Are you?

You are not a baby. Are you?

So before you surrender your liberty to covid, consider this:

If we cannot even hold the police responsible for saving you from violence occurring right in front of them, do you really think the government is in any way responsible if you die from a communicable disease? After all, if they were responsible for your safety from said disease, and you died from it…wouldn’t it be the government’s failure and fault that you died? Heck, if the government is responsible for your health and safety, and your health and safety were damaged in any way, wouldn’t that be the government’s fault? I mean, if we are going to assign responsibility for our welfare to the government, then the government must also be accountable if that welfare is compromised…right?

“Don’t be silly, Dave,” you might say. “You can’t blame the government for people getting sick, or getting hurt, or their houses burning down.” That’s right. Which means at the same time, you cannot expect the government to look out for your best interests when it comes to keeping you healthy. It isn’t their problem. It’s yours, and yours alone.

You are on your own, and that is just how it ought to be.

Let's Go Shooting!

Let's Go Shooting!

Racing In The Street

Racing In The Street